Home Todos los Eventos From Vision to Reality: The Future of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI

From Vision to Reality: The Future of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI

Join us for an enriching panel discussion featuring industry experts who will dive into the intersection of entrepreneurship, and AI.

FECHA Jueves 30/05/2024
HORARIO 18:00 - 20:00 (GMT -04:00)
MODALIDAD Eventos locales
From Vision to Reality: The Future of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI

"From Vision to Reality: The Future of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI" is a panel discussion that will explore the impact and intersection of AI in the world of business and entrepreneurship. 

Discover how technological advancements are revolutionizing business strategies, driving innovation, and opening new avenues of opportunity for entrepreneurs. Gain insights into the potential of AI-driven solutions and explore how this can enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and fuel growth.

To ensure your comfort and enjoyment, refreshments will be served at the event. Reserve your spot today for an evening of insights, networking, and inspiration.