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IE 일반 설명회 (Only for Master's degree and MBA candidates living in Korea)

Online Event

TIPO DE EVENTO Sesiones Informativas
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Sábado 10/06/2023
HORARIO 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT +09:00)
IE 일반 설명회 (Only for Master's degree and MBA candidates living in Korea)

What makes IE Business School's Online MBA/Executive Program one of the best in the world? The key features of IE Business School's online MBA/Executive Program are the live discussions among students, the in-depth forums to exchange diverse opinions on a specific topic, and the leadership and soft-skill workshops where students will participate onsite in Madrid.
We will explain the program in detail. If you are interested in obtaining a world-class MBA while working, please join us.