Home Conferencias Beyond the data: How new technologies are applied for the optimization of business

Beyond the data: How new technologies are applied for the optimization of business

Online Master Class

TIPO DE EVENTO Conferencias
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Jueves 27/02/2020
HORARIO 17:30 - 18:30 (GMT +02:00)
Beyond the data: How new technologies are applied for the optimization of business

Technology today enables data oriented businesses, where decisions are based on facts and data. However, many companies just try to get the best insights from data but they do not use them to optimize their operations. Business can predict how the changes in the products prices will impact the demand but optimization technics can go the extra mile and calculate the precise price that will lead to the biggest product. Another example is oil field development, where analytical techniques are used to predict the performance of an oil well but only few companies use it to create an optimal development plan. In this webinar we will have a look to these and other examples that show how optimization leverages analytics and machine learning to help companies take the best decisions

Nuestros ponentes

Professor of Computer Science

Jesús holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from UPM and a MBA from IESE, Universidad de Navarra. He started his career as a consultant at Ernst & Young and ProfIT. He has developed most of his career at Repsol. First in IT and then in R + D area as Director of Advanced Computing. Two years ago, he entered the entrepreneurship arena: he has founded 8G Analytics, a data analysis company as its name implies, and is the CTO and member of the Board at LossLess Group BV.