Home Todos los Eventos 3 technologies that will make HR professionals redundant – and how to fight back.

3 technologies that will make HR professionals redundant – and how to fight back.

3 technologies that will make HR professionals redundant – and how to fight back.

TIPO DE EVENTO Conferencias
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Miércoles 05/06/2019
HORARIO 17:00 - 18:00 (GMT +02:00)
3 technologies that will make HR professionals redundant – and how to fight back.

Year 2019: with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, Human Resources professionals are set in a crossroad struggling with their identity. During class you will witness the details of the threat, the alternatives to fight back and the outcome of the longstanding rivalry between human and machine.

"Human Resources professionals are saying: “We believe the whole point of the human resources department is about being and behave human, meaning be close, creative, empathic, adaptative. But at the same time, we are asked to be more efficient, quick, reliable, measurable, objective, and after decades of trying… we have failed.” Technology is there, evolving rapidly, but they are thinking: “It will never take our place; nothing can replace a human being”. But a concrete threat has come to life: three technologies are about to handle more than 70% of the current HR department workload at less than 30% of the current cost. HR professionals have decided not to go quietly into the night, and they have proposed 4 strategies to fight back. "

Speaker: Daniel Laya