Home Todos los Eventos IE Masterclass - Virtual leadership & driving impact in a Covid-19 world

IE Masterclass - Virtual leadership & driving impact in a Covid-19 world

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TIPO DE EVENTO Conferencias
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Martes 12/05/2020
HORARIO 17:00 - 18:30 (GMT +09:00)
IE Masterclass - Virtual leadership & driving impact in a Covid-19 world

Leadership in the 21st century will be influenced by constant change. Next generation leadership will have to deal effectively with multiple demanding global challenges spanning from geopolitical volatility, technological disruptions, economic and political uncertainty, the rise of new challengers and shifting demographics.

On top of an already challenging world comes the Covid-19 pandemic forcing an unwilling pitstop for the world. With crisis comes profound challenges and unforeseen deep changes. But crisis also creates opportunities, and in the next 6-12 months the world will see a rebalance of winners and losers.

Question is: How do leaders cope?

Implications Next Generation Virtual Leaders are how to balance their short- and long-term lens, building resilience and character, how to keep a horizontal and vertical outlook, balance global perspectives & local insights, and how to lead from a strong strategic compass.

Nuestros ponentes

Profesor Martin Roll

Professor Martin Roll, IE Associate

Martin Roll is a world-renowned thought-leader, global business strategist and senior advisor to Fortune 100, Asian conglomerates and prominent business families on the most important issues in managing successful global businesses and exercising great leadership. He is a Lecturer at IE Business School, teaches at other global business schools, and has been a Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company.