Home Todos los Eventos Seeing the City through the Eyes of Tomorrow's Careers. New Bachelor in Urban Studies

Seeing the City through the Eyes of Tomorrow's Careers. New Bachelor in Urban Studies

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TIPO DE EVENTO Sesiones Informativas
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Jueves 02/02/2023
HORARIO 18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +02:00)
Seeing the City through the Eyes of Tomorrow's Careers. New Bachelor in Urban Studies

This event will bring together a panel of experts to discuss the future of work in cities. As urban populations continue to grow, it is important to consider how the nature of work will evolve in these densely populated areas.

Our Director of the Bachelor in Urban Studies Manuel Perez-Romero, as moderator, will guide the discussion and provide insight from their respective fields of architecture, design and urban studies. The panel will include Martha Thorne, Distinguished Professor at IE School of Architecture and Design, Ismael Salazar, Partner at PwC with expertise in climate and the environment, Ana Oregi, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Territory and Climate Action at the City Council of Vitoria, and Anastasia Sukhoroslova, CEO at AllThingsUrban.

This diverse group of speakers will provide a range of perspectives on the topic and offer valuable insights for attendees on how to navigate the changing landscape of work in urban environments. The discussion will cover topics such as emerging industries, the role of technology, and the impact of climate change on employment opportunities in cities.

Join in person at the IE Tower or online.