Home Sesiones Informativas IE University Info Session for CEE Market with a Focus on Financial Aid Options

IE University Info Session for CEE Market with a Focus on Financial Aid Options

Informative Session

TIPO DE EVENTO Sesiones Informativas
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Miércoles 15/05/2024
HORARIO 17:30 - 18:30 (GMT +02:00)
IE University Info Session for CEE Market with a Focus on Financial Aid Options

Applying to a top university like IE takes courage, self-organization, and creativity, as well as some guidance from those who know the process inside out.  


Join this virtual event to have the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice and inspiration!

You will meet IE representatives and learn about the vibrant community of IE international students.


Pursuing a master’s program is an important choice to invest in your future. To create a unique environment of talent IE offers numerous financial aid options to support remarkable master’s students from all backgrounds who may be facing economic barriers.


During the session, we will focus on the financial opportunities available for great talent from CEE. 


If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to our team at iecee@ie.edu