Home Sesiones Informativas Ace Your Online Application for the Master in Management & the Master in Management & Strategy!

Ace Your Online Application for the Master in Management & the Master in Management & Strategy!

Join us for this session!

TIPO DE EVENTO Sesiones Informativas
MODALIDAD Eventos globales
FECHA Miércoles 17/07/2024
HORARIO 15:00 - 16:00 (GMT +02:00)
Ace Your Online Application for the Master in Management & the Master in Management & Strategy!

Join us for an online session designed to guide you through acing your application for IE University's Master in Management (MIM) and Master in Management & Strategy (MIMS) programmes. This session promises to explain the application process in detail, offering tips and strategies to enhance your application and stand out in the competitive selection process.


Unlock the secrets to a successful application, understand what our admissions team looks for, and how to showcase your strengths, experiences, and aspirations effectively. Take advantage of this chance to gain invaluable insights that could make all the difference in your application journey.

Register now and take the first step towards securing your place in one of our prestigious programmes.