Home clases magistrales y talleres Redefining Leadership: Positivity and Inclusivity from the Top Down

Redefining Leadership: Positivity and Inclusivity from the Top Down

Join us for a panel discussion exploring the dynamics and evolution of leadership.

FECHA Jueves 18/04/2024
HORARIO 18:00 - 20:00 (GMT -05:00)
MODALIDAD Eventos locales
Redefining Leadership: Positivity and Inclusivity from the Top Down

As the nature of work adapts to advancements in technology and global conversations surrounding ESG and DEI initiatives, the demands on leadership are rapidly changing. Drawing from positive psychology, leaders can shape workplace positivity, fostering optimal thinking and behavior. Yet, challenges inevitably arise, creating turbulence and friction among diverse teams. Transforming these moments into learning opportunities requires cultivating trust and creating the right conditions for growth and catalyzing self-transformation. The discussion seeks to answer how leaders can optimize workplace conditions, design positive employee experiences, and mitigate the impacts of intelligent technology on professionals across a plethora of industries. 



Lee Newman is the 9th dean of IE Business School and professor of Behavioral Science and Leadership at IE University. He is an educational entrepreneur, a passionate teacher and thought leader with background experience in business, human sciences, and technology.

Corbin C. Wong is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist skilled in Quantitative Analyses, Applied Research, Psychometric Assessments, Organizational Design, Talent and Performance Management, Leadership Development, and Employee Training.



  • 6:00 PM - 6:10 PM Welcome remarks

  • 6:10 PM - 6:50 PM Panel discussion

  • 6:50 PM - 7:00 PM Q&A

  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Reception