Home All Events Application Workshop & Masters Admission Week Benefits - Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador

Application Workshop & Masters Admission Week Benefits - Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador

Learn more about how to make your application stand out and how to fast track your process to IE!

PROFILE Master Degree and Executive education
DATE 26th August 2024
TIME 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT -06:00)
EVENT FORMAT Online events
Application Workshop & Masters Admission Week Benefits - Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador

This application workshop is offered to candidates based in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador & Belize. 


We know that the application process to study an IE Master program can be challenging, and that´s we want to make sure you know how to get through each phase and excel in your admission process.

Next August 26th, at 6:00pm (Mexico City time) we will hold an online APPLICATION WORKSHOP so that you get all the insights you need for your process.

During this session, our local representatives will cover various topics:

  • Detailed explanation of each step of the process.
  • How to make your profile excel.
  • Common mistakes you should avoid.
  • Insights into what the IE Admissions Committee looks for in each candidate.

They will also explain in detail our LATAM Admission week, and how you can enjoy unique benefits while fast-tracking your application.