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Career Advice for Women in Finance

Get career advice for women in finance from two of our Master in Finance alumni and learn about hte advantages of being a woman in finance

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Informative Events
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 22nd April 2021
TIME 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT +01:00)
Career Advice for Women in Finance

Gender equality in finance has long lagged behind other sectors but the landscape is finally changing. More and more, companies are seeing the increased benefits of gender diversity in the workplace and many banks have made commitments to increase female representation in their companies.

Join us as we invite two of our female alumni to talk about what it is like for women in the finance industry, their challenges and opportunities and their journey as a woman in finance. This will be followed by a live Q&A session where you may ask about student life, career paths and strategy and anything else that may come to mind. We will also tell you about the opportunities we have for women in finance such as the Women in Finance Scholarships and Women CFA Mentorship Program.

Our speakers

Investment Management Division


She did the Master in Finance in 2018 and is currently working in Goldman Sachs in the Investment Management Division.

Corporate Commodity Derivative Sales

She did the Master in Advanced Finance in 2019 and is currently working in JP Morgan London in Corporate Commodity Derivative Sales.