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How Leadership Skills Will Evolve in the Future

Join this exclusive session featuring Margarita Mayo to discover how authentic leadership can transform organizations in the era of AI

PROFILE Master Degrees
DATE 12th September 2024
TIME 18:00 - 20:00 (GMT -04:00)
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
How Leadership Skills Will Evolve in the Future

Join Margarita Mayo, one of IE University´s most influential thought leaders, as she redefines the future of leadership skills. Explore the transformative power of authentic and collaborative leadership that fosters trust, passion, and sustainability within organizations, nurturing a shared sense of community. In today´s corporate landscape, we face a crisis of confidence. Learn how authentic leadership, grounded in humility and resilience, can transform organizations and rebuild trust in the era of artificial intelligence. Discover the value of a growth mindset in driving personal and professional development. This masterclass will not only challenge traditional leadership paradigms but also illuminate the path toward creating inspirational, innovative and inclusive environments where collective success is the ultimate achievement.