Home All Events Master Class: Implications of the post covid economic recovery

Master Class: Implications of the post covid economic recovery

Face- to-face event

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 28th October 2021
TIME 18:30 - 22:00 (GMT +02:00)
Master Class: Implications of the post covid economic recovery

The World economy is experiencing its strongest recovery since the Second World War.  Yet, such growth also entails relevant risks, such as undesired inflation and excessive credit in the real estate sector that could generate a future crisis.  This master class will navigate towards the evolution of Covid, its limited impact on the economy, the evolution of inflation, the reaction by Central Banks, and the potential consequences of a crisis in the Chinese real estate sector.


18h30-19h: Welcome of the participants

19h00-19h10: IE presentation by Joseph Freiha

19h10-20h30: Master Class + Q&A

20h30-22h00: Networking drink

Our speakers

Director of the Master in Finance Programs at IE Business School & Partner and Chief Economist, Arcano

Ignacio de la Torre was amongst the first to foresee the turnaround of the Spanish economy from 2012 on, a thesis that was published in a series of reports titled “The Case for Spain”.  Ignacio gathers over twenty years of experience in diverse fields of investment banking at Arcano, UBS and Deutsche Bank within the departments of Capital Markets, Equity Research and Sales.