Home All Events Leading strategy and execution. Cybersecurity

Leading strategy and execution. Cybersecurity

Megatrends and disruptive opportunities for Senior Leaders

PROFILE Executive education
DATE 3rd December 2024
TIME 13:00 - 14:00 (GMT +02:00)
EVENT FORMAT Online events
Leading strategy and execution. Cybersecurity

How leaders can design strategy and execute it reducing ciber-risk?
How to ensure cybersecurity in this technological world? 
How humans get hacked ("social engineering"), and how the world of hacking and cybercrime overlaps with human espionage, counter-espionage and offline crime? 

Coding is fun - NOT! In fact, 90% of the time, technical stuff is irrelevant to cybersecurity! But whatever your profession (and no matter what pictures you have on your phone) cybersecurity is an important topic.  As a result, you will acquire a mindset, some tools and ideas that will make you much safer and more private online.  It will be practical, but not one minute will be technical!  

Our exclusive event brings you the opportunity to hear from the world-class expert  on how to gain insights into the future of business:

•    Understand economic, geopolitical and technological megatrends and see how organizations are moving on the chessboard.
•    Identify strategies to align your organization's vision and purpose with measurable results.
•    Engage in scenario planning to generate alternatives and foresee solutions, and analyze their potential impact on your organization.
•    Learn how to implement an innovation mindset in your organization by identifying new levers of growth, including technology, data and AI.

Master Class

Senior Leadership Program

Date: Tusday, 3rd December
Time: 13:00 PM CET / 15:00 PM GST
Format: Online

In this exclusive event, we’ll be examining how our Senior Leadership Program can give you a unique perspective on leadership in a rapidly evolving business ecosystem, as well as holistic view of the future of the business world.

Led by:

Milo Jones –  PhD in International Relations. Professor at IE University. Senior Advisor for Geopolitics and technology at Arcano Partners.

Milo´s expertise lies in applying the models, frameworks and tools of the Intelligence Community and Geopolitics to financial and business issues. His current research involves the impact of digital technology on geopolitics and society.

This is a new era of leadership embraces transformation, innovation and purpose. We wish to provide you with tools to be well-equipped to ride the waves of uncertainty as you navigate a complex, shifting ecosystem.

We hope to see you there.


Contact us to arrange a

personalized telephone interview
to discuss your goals and how the GAMP can help you achieve them.

Our speakers

Strategy | Intelligence Analysis | Geopolitics | Investing

IE professor since 2008. Worked for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in New York, for Accenture in London and served in the United States Marine Corps. In addition to his PhD from Kent, he holds an MA with Distinction in International Relations, an MBA from London Business School, and a BA from Northwestern University