Home All Events Masterclass- The Data Scientist & The Artist, Driving Innovation through Analytics & Arts-Bogotá

Masterclass- The Data Scientist & The Artist, Driving Innovation through Analytics & Arts-Bogotá

Master Class

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 24th October 2018
TIME 19:00 - 20:30 (GMT -05:00)
Masterclass- The Data Scientist & The Artist, Driving Innovation through Analytics & Arts-Bogotá

Join us in Bogotá for our Master Class – ‘The Data Scientist & The Artist’ by Professors Nir Hindi and Marcos Ramirez.

In this talk, Nir will challenge your way of thinking about the relations between art, entrepreneurship, science, and technology. He will highlight the importance of being creative and adopting, what he calls, The Artistic Mindset. To interpret data and understand how to apply powerful insights for a decision-making process, a data scientist needs to think out of the box. 

Marcos will challenge your analytics skills through a data science session in which you will learn how to create value from data insights. You will need to be creative, innovative and understand the importance of analytics in business.

Our speakers

Director IE University Mexico

Marcos Ramirez es apasionado del mundo de la tecnología y Data Science. Actualmente dirige la oficina de IE University en México, e imparte clases en el área de tecnología. Marcos cuenta con un Master in Management y un Master in Business Analytics and Big Data del prestigioso IE, además de ser egresado del bootcamp de Internet of Things (IoT) del MIT.

Visiting Professor at IE Business School for Executive Education and Founder, The Artian

Nir Hindi is an entrepreneur who, though rooted in the world of technology and business, always has one foot in the creative world.  

He is a part of the training professionals of Financial Times, IE Corporate Learning Alliance and a mentor and visiting professor in IE Business School Executive Education where he teaches Creativity for Sustainable Business Growth.