Home All Events Tourism on the Cheap: Who benefits, and who bears the real costs?

Tourism on the Cheap: Who benefits, and who bears the real costs?

Discover the real costs and impact of tourism

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Informative Events
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 4th December 2018
TIME 18:00 - 19:30 (GMT +02:00)
Tourism on the Cheap: Who benefits, and who bears the real costs?

This Masterclass will delve into who the most relevant stakeholders involved in low-cost tourism are, and how both the benefits and the costs are being shared among them. The discussion looks at travelers, of course, but perhaps more interestingly, at other key stakeholders such as entrepreneurs and companies, venture capital and private equity investors, and both national governments and local authorities.

The content of the talk will focus on the business practices and economics that fuel the sector and offer practical examples of low-cost tourism companies making parallels with other companies operating in spaces such as finance or e-commerce, and the content expert leading the talk will help participants think more broadly about the real costs of low-cost tourism, including effects such as wage deflation or environmental impact, and the implications for ourselves as consumers, entrepreneurs, managers or investors, and indeed society as a whole.

Our speakers

Profesor Adjunto, Business Angel y Consultor

Pablo Soler, Professor of Finance at IE Business School, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Università di Trento.

Consultant in cooperation and mentor for startups, with experience in international business.

Advocate for social impact investing, stakeholder capitalism, and UBI (Universal Basic Income).