Home Conferences Master Class: The key ingredients to becoming a digital Leader

Master Class: The key ingredients to becoming a digital Leader

All bachelor Programs

PROFILE Undergraduate Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 25th February 2020
TIME 19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +02:00)
Master Class: The key ingredients to becoming a digital Leader

If you were asked to name successful companies, you would probably think about companies like Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Uber, Apple, Microsoft, or Netflix. The CEOs behind these companies have something in common: they are shapers and transformational leaders. Do you know your leadership style? And, the skills for the digital age? At this master class, José Esteves will be taking a closer look at the challenges facing leaders today, Assess your leadership style, and I will share some ingredients for a successful Digital leadership recipe.

José Esteves is Associate dean for full-time MBA programs (IMBA and TECH MBA) and professor of Information Systems at IE business school. He believes it is the way people interact with digital technologies, that will determine the success or failure of its adoption and implementation. In addition to his research and teaching, He continues to act as a consultant to a number of companies and coaching CIOs and CXOs. Consulting provides fieldwork, data and results. The Master Class will be followed by a networking drink.


Our speakers

Associate Dean for MBA and TECHMBA Programs | Professor

PhD in Software – Information Systems, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain; Master in Information Systems, Universidade do Minho, Portugal; Diploma in Business Administration, minor in financial management, Instituto Superior de Tecnologia Impresarial, Portugal; Engineer in informatics and systems, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.