Home Conferences People! Critical reflections on human-centered design by Ben Reason

People! Critical reflections on human-centered design by Ben Reason

Ben Reason, a pioneer of service design discusses the influence of the ecological crisis on the future of the profession.

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 14th February 2024
TIME 18:00 - 19:45 (GMT +02:00)
People! Critical reflections on human-centered design by Ben Reason

Lecture intro: 

The Anthropocene is a valuable concept in that it acknowledges the scale and duration of the impact humans are having on the planet. Ecological crisis is not really the right phrase as we are not faced with a challenge but a new era. 
Design is a part and product of our current worldview. A new era will require a new fundamental way of being and understanding – from design as much as from any other walk of life. 
This is not going to happen overnight, but the conversations and emerging practices are emerging and taking place. Questions about design’s relevance, role and requirements are critical to have. 

Ben Reason, pioneer of service design, is one of many who is asking these questions and beginning to speculate about the directions of travels that look more fruitful. He has been examining the principles of human centred design and exploring how they could evolve in this new era. 
Ben has also been wondering if there is a role for design in organisations to lead them through the transition we are going to be going through. Are the qualities that design treasures; empathy, collaboration and creativity, actually vital for a new way to change the way we approach change?