Home Conferences Virtual Master Class: How roboadvisory can make investing decisions more transparent

Virtual Master Class: How roboadvisory can make investing decisions more transparent

Online Master Class with Professor Pablo Soler

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 23rd June 2020
TIME 17:00 - 18:00 (GMT +02:00)
LANGUAGE English/Spanish
Virtual Master Class: How roboadvisory can make investing decisions more transparent

In 2007, Warren Buffett made a million USD bet that an index fund would outperform a collection of hedge funds over the course of 10 years. In 2017 he won that bet.

I this Master Class, we will explore how the combination of Fintech and index investing has resulted in a perfect storm for the wealth advisory industry worldwide, making low cost and optimal investment portfolios available to any investor, regardless of the volume of their financial assets and level of sophistication. It will also allow for better customization of portfolios, responding optimally to each investor’s needs and preferences, fostering massive growth of Social Impact or conscious investing.

This transition does not come without dilemmas: should a private company define and control those indexes? ETFs being a scale business, should only a couple of private companies control that massive global market?”

Our speakers

Profesor Adjunto, Business Angel y Consultor

Pablo Soler, Professor of Finance at IE Business School, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Università di Trento.

Consultant in cooperation and mentor for startups, with experience in international business.

Advocate for social impact investing, stakeholder capitalism, and UBI (Universal Basic Income).