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Admissions Day - Washington DC

Join us in Washington DC for this unique opportunity

PROFILE Master Degree and Executive education
EVENT TYPE Informative Events
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 9th November 2018
TIME 09:30 - 17:00 (GMT -04:00)
Admissions Day - Washington DC

We would like you to join us in Washington DC to learn more about IE, and ask any questions you may have about the application process, program format, fees, financial aid, living and studying in Madrid. You will also have the chance to meet with our local team and prospective students.



9:30-11:30 Admissions Test*

11:30-13:30 Lunch & Learn:  New Tech Revolution 

13:30-17:00 Admissions Interviews* and One to One Consultations (specific time slots are given upon registration)

*Admissions Test and Interviews only for Candidates who have submitted their admissions application by Tuesday, November 6, 2018. 


New Tech Revolution: Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Modern advances have transformed information into an invaluable asset. Our consumption patterns, digital behavior and our performance online is becoming a crucial aspect in decision making through all sectors. The challenge is to be prepared. There is a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological world, influencing all disciplines, economies and industries. Technological breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing and Data Science are reshaping our everyday life. The response to this breakthrough must be integrated and comprehensive involving all stakeholders, from the public and private sectors to Academia and Civil Society. Our jobs will be affected directly by these trends and it is our responsibility to be prepared for the New Tech Revolution.