Home All Events AI for Business: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace with lowcode or nocode tools

AI for Business: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace with lowcode or nocode tools

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PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 1st February 2023
TIME 13:00 - 14:30 (GMT +02:00)
AI for Business: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace with lowcode or nocode tools

We would like to invite you to be at our next Master Class, "AI for Business: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace with lowcode or nocode tools"

AI is becoming increasingly accessible and easy to use, much like the calculator or an Excel spreadsheet. There are many user-friendly AI platforms and tools available that do not require programming experience, allowing non-technical individuals to utilize the power of AI without needing a deep understanding of the underlying algorithms and techniques. The accessibility of AI is continually improving, making it possible for a wide range of individuals and organizations to benefit from its capabilities.

About Jon Oleaga

Jon has 15 years of experience in the digital media industry and digital transformation. In his work as an adjunct professor at IE University, he has taught courses on digital marketing, technology trends, and web development, covering topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. He has also worked as a consultant for companies in the Web 3 and cryptocurrency industries, where he has gained experience with AI and its applications. In addition to his professional experience, Jon holds degrees in business, psychology, and anthropology, which have likely exposed him to discussions and concepts related to AI and its ethical and societal implications.