Home All Events ESG, here to stay?

ESG, here to stay?

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PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 26th January 2023
TIME 16:30 - 17:30 (GMT +02:00)
ESG, here to stay?

ESG, here to stay?


During this webinar, professor Juan-Pedro Gómez will discuss how firms are tackling ESG initiatives and how they affect their corporate decisions. Does ESG create value for all shareholders? At the expense of the traditional shareholder value? How do we measure ESG achievements? Should CEOs be compensated (or penalized, if they fail) for them?


Let's engage in an honest debate about these questions. We can’t guarantee all the answers, but for sure we will have fun.



Juan-Pedro Gómez is Associate Professor of Finance at IE Business School, IE University. He has a PhD in Economics from Universidad Carlos III in Madrid. Professor Gómez has previously worked at ITAM in Mexico City and BI in Oslo. He has been a visiting scholar at UPF in Barcelona, Stern-NYU in New York City, Universidade Nova in Lisboa, and the McCombs School of Business at UT Austin. His research includes contributions in asset pricing, mutual fund performance, portfolio management compensation,  and corporate governance.

Our speakers

Associate Professor

Having taught in universities in New York, Mexico City, Kampala, Barcelona and Oslo, Prof Gomez is able to bring a global perspective to his work on corporate finance, international asset pricing and portfolio management delegation. His work has been published in academic journals like the Journal of Finance, Economic Theory or Finance Research Letters.