Home All Events Online Consultation Call for candidates and parents based in Spain

Online Consultation Call for candidates and parents based in Spain

All bachelor Programs

PROFILE Undergraduate Degrees
EVENT TYPE Informative Events
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 13th February 2024
TIME 16:00 - 18:30 (GMT +02:00)
Online Consultation Call for candidates and parents based in Spain

En esta llamada de consulta online tendrás una reunión individual con un representante de IE University para aclarar información general de la universidad, diferencias entre los bachelors y dual degrees, y los distintos pasos del proceso de admisión

Un día antes de la reunión recibirás un email con el enlace de Zoom para que os podáis conectar. ¡Aprovecha para prepara tus preguntas y poder resolverlas!


In this online consultation call you will have a one-on-one meeting with an IE University representative to clarify general information about the university, differences between bachelors and dual degrees, and the steps of the admissions process.

The day before the meeting you will recieve an email with the Zoom link. Take the opportunity to prepare your questions and get them answered!