Home All Events RE_SOLUTION: Arkebe Oqubay, Addis Ababa Mayor 2003 - 2005

RE_SOLUTION: Arkebe Oqubay, Addis Ababa Mayor 2003 - 2005

Arkebe Oqubay, Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia since 2018 will share his experience as Mayor

PROFILE Master Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
DATE 16th April 2024
TIME 18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +01:00)
RE_SOLUTION: Arkebe Oqubay, Addis Ababa Mayor 2003 - 2005

The series "Re_Solution: A Conversation with City Leaders Who Made a Change", in which former mayors from around the world, alongside players from the private and public sectors and the academic world, discuss how to make our cities better places.