Train Predictive AI Models and Booster Your Career in Compliance
Train Predictive AI Models and Booster Your Career in Compliance
- Date: 9th April 5- 6 pm CET
- Speaker: Hernan Huwyler
In this open class, you will acquire practical recommendations and free-to-use Python codes to assess third-party risks and predict the likelihood of non-compliance, thereby enhancing due diligence processes. By using AI techniques and historical data on compensations, incidents and defaults related to third parties, you’ll be able to segment potential third-party entities and request additional documentation and approvals as part of due diligence.
Organizations possess ample information regarding past non-compliance, disputes and incidents related to third parties. However, this valuable data often remains underutilized when determining the escalation of compliance requirements and approvals in the due diligence questionnaires. The ability to implement AI techniques to train predictive models, particularly using open-source tools, is a highly sought-after skill in roles related to compliance, risk management, privacy, cybersecurity, consulting, and general management.
Key Points:
- Compliance risk assessment: Understand how to evaluate risks associated with third-party interactions.
- AI Modeling: Train your own AI model using open-source Python code and a web-based compiler.
- Estimating non-compliance risks: Use the model to estimate the chances of non-compliance among new potential third-parties
After attending the open class, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore the executive program offered by IE Law School. This program focuses on compliance, controls, and corporate governance. You will gain insights into the program’s modules, practical approach, tools, and expert faculty. You will be able to ask any questions about how this program can impact your career.
Our speakers
Head of Supplier Due Diligence Strategy and Procurement Center of Excellence en Danske Bank.
Hernan Huwyler es un especialista en gobierno, riesgo y compliance en empresas multinacionales. Trabaja desarrollando controles internos para abordar riesgos de negocios y requerimientos legales en corporaciones Europeas y en las Américas. Actualmete es el Director Académico del Programa Inmersión a la Cultura de Compliance.