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Urban green infrastructure: How can nature save cities?

Join us in our next Masterclass from the "Cities and Jobs Series"

PROFILE Undergraduate Degrees
EVENT TYPE Conferences
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 29th November 2022
TIME 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT +02:00)
Urban green infrastructure: How can nature save cities?

Welcome to our “Cities and Jobs Series“ organized in collaboration with All Things Urban.

Cities only occupy 2% of the planet’s surface, but they accommodate more than 50% of the population. They consume 75% of global energy, produce 80% of global CO2 emissions, and they generate more than 80% of the global GDP today. These numbers put cities at the center of any discussion about global warming, urbanization, progress, and social

On these (3) three online webinars we will tackle conversations from “Urban Artificial Intelligence: how can we urbanise technology?” to “Urban Green Infrastructure: How can nature save cities” and “Urban social inequalities: How can cities include people?”

Join the conversation no matter where you are in the world!



Speaker name: Elizaveta Fakirova, Nature-Based Solutions Researcher

Title of webinar: “Urban green infrastructure: How can nature save cities?”

Date of webinar: Tuesday 29 November 2022 6pm CET

How can nature solve urban challenges? What can people do to integrate nature in their surroundings? Today, cities face many challenges related to urbanisation, from climate change to the expansion and intensification of urban development. One strategy that has recently emerged to combat these issues is to redesign cities with attention to urban green infrastructure. Elizaveta looks at how cities can be made more resilient and sustainable through some examples happening around Europe.


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Our speakers

Nature-Based SolutionsResearcher

Trained as an architect andcity manager, Elizaveta iscurrently a PhD candidate looking at how nature can be a tool to alleviate theworsening climate emergency our cities are facing. Her prior research interests aregovernance and citizen engagement strategies for the implementation of urban greeninfrastructures. She also takes part in the JUSTNature project, aimed to drive a justtransition to low-carbon cities through nature-based solutions.