Home Informative Events IE University 説明会(英語・高校生/保護者向け)

IE University 説明会(英語・高校生/保護者向け)

英語で専門知識を学べる、スペインのトップクラスの大学、IE Universityの学校説明会です。オンラインで実施します。

PROFILE Undergraduate Degrees
EVENT TYPE Informative Events
EVENT FORMAT Online events
DATE 14th February 2024
TIME 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT +09:00)
IE University 説明会(英語・高校生/保護者向け)

IE Universityは、


◎首都マドリード or 古都セゴビアキャンパスで学べます






IE University, one of Spain's top universities, offers specialized fields of study such as business management, computer science, architecture design, and communication etc. in 100% English.
Although located in Spain, IE University provides a multicultural learning environment with 70% of international students from over 130 countries.
Want to study in the capital of Spain and/or a beautiful World Heritage historic city?
We will hold an information session for high school students. We look forward to your participation.