Home Masterclasses and workshop Urban Trends in the 21st C City

Urban Trends in the 21st C City


PROFILE Master Degrees
DATE 21st February 2024
TIME 18:30 - 19:30 (GMT +02:00)
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
Urban Trends in the 21st C City

Event Description:


A dialogue about the impact of tech, life-work patterns in real estate and the city, between academia (Dr Cristina Mateo Associate Dean from IE University, School of Architecture and Design) and the private sector, with one key player in the field: Idealista.


On February 21st, join us for this discussion where keynote speakers will discuss and share their thoughts on the subject.  


  • Cristina Mateo – Associate Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design, Ph.D, Sociology 
  • Antonio Giordano  - Co-CEO @ idealista


The event will be moderate by:


  •  Nazareno Mario Ciccarello – COO & Co-founder @ Soource


We look forward to seeing you!


Our speakers

Associate Dean at IE School of Architecture and Design

Cristina Mateo is Associate Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design. She is a specialist in urban ethnography, branding, communication, and E-Transformation & New Business Models.

Prior to joining IE, she was Head of Strategic Planning at Fundación Siglo, The Department of Culture and Tourism for Castile and Leon between 2011-2015.

Professor of Entrepreneurship at IE Business School

Nazareno Mario Ciccarello, Italian, is an IE Business school MBA 2008 and B.A. in Political Sciences from University LUISS in Rome, Italy. His working career started at the age of 19 in the military, being a lieutenant of the Italian military police (Carabinieri), training military platoon heading to peace keeping operations to Kosovo and Albania. 


Co-CEO @ idealista.it

Graduated from the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria of which he is originally, executive MBA at the IE in Madrid and with training in m&a at the INSEAD Business School. 

He currently holds the role of co-CEO at idealist Italy, the main real estate marketplace in southern Europe that is spread over three markets (Italy, Spain and Portugal)