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IE Marketing Challenge with Google

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PROFILE Master Degrees
DATE 13th March 2024
TIME 17:00 - 21:30 (GMT +01:00)
EVENT FORMAT Face to Face events
IE Marketing Challenge with Google

Would you like to work in the fascinating world of marketing? Do you want to continue learning about this area? 

IE University invites you to participate in the unique IE Marketing Challenge with Google

Join us on this occasion where you will be able to demonstrate your talent and creativity and win an exclusive visit to Google offices in Madrid. During your visit you will be able to learn more about jobs, career opportunities and application tips; how is the day to day at the company; meet the staff and enjoy a delicious lunch with Alba Díaz, Senior Performance Specialist at Google, as well as the star speaker at the IE Marketing Challenge.   

Fisrt, attend Alba’s masterclass to learn about how to create a marketing strategy, understand the challenge and listen to her tips on how to solve it! Second, immediately after, work on the challenge questions, divided in teams and with the help of the coaches (Marketing Master's alumni). Finally, present your ideas and win the challenge!

Event Details

Location: IE Tower

Date: Wednesday 13th, March 2024


16:45h Registration 

17h: Masterclass

17:45h - 19:15h Work on your presentations!

19:30h - 20:30h Present your work

20:30h - 21:30h Cocktail

Attendees will have the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime experience: a day trip to the Google offices in Madrid that will take place on Friday 15th of March at 12PM! Immerse yourself in the innovative and inspiring environment of one of the world's leading tech companies.

Hope to see you there!